quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010


Why there is a thing called "Sono"??

I don't know.. but I think it is to make we spend our time in the bed. (Or maybe not)


Today I was in the class.. As the other commom days. But today was a little different.
Today was the class of Mr Agostinho!
The classes of Agostinho is very cool... is eletronics..
And those classes are the best!

But.. but.. but I slept a half class!

Oh lord.. How it could be done? I've lost a lot of things.. becouse of the "sono"!

So sono.. Go jump in the lake!
I hate you! But I can't live without you!

This post was posted in english.. couse I just wanted this.. so if you didn't like is not my problem, go release a clay and think in your life! hahaha just kidding (or maybe not)

5 comentários:

  1. I already have killed my Sono with a black poison...This poison is called Cafe...After i use this poison i never have Sono again!!!

  2. uahuahau balck poison is "tenso"! kk
    ya! good idea! I think I'll take your advice and became a coffe adict.. like you :D

  3. Take care, a lot of coffee may be harmful to your health
    the best thing to do is sleep well

  4. hauahuaha
    Nice words! :)
    But the time is a shit for me.. I don't have it!
